Lights and Shapes COLREG

Lights and Shapes COLREG

lights and shapes

Lights and Shapes is designed for those who are studying RYA exams or wish to get access to an accurate reference to identify ships at sea. The program is based on the Part C of the International Regulation for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREG), in English.

The program is divided in four parts:

Regulations: A full copy of 'Part C' of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea

Lights and Shapes: More than 120 images (bow, stern, port and starboard) of all kind of ships and how to identify them by their lights.

Sounds signals: Now you can see and listen to all sound signals on Part D of COLREG (version2.0 or above)

Test: Hundreds of test to check your ship recognition level.


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