Piracy Incident Report: Gulf of Aden

A detailed report from Allmode Security, with regular updates on piracy activity in the region of Indonesia this year. Incidents include multiple hijacks, boardings and attempted boardings. Despite the increased patrolling and extra monitoring of this particular region, pirates are still managing to board slow moving vessels whilst underway. Allmode advise continued enhanced vigilance in this piracy hotspot.
Piracy Incident Report 503
Incident Type:Suspicious Approach
Area:Gulf of Aden
Position: 12°15’N - 044°46’E
Date of Incident: 29/08/15
Time of Incident (LT):1219 UTC
information Source: :UKMTO
An MV was approached by 2 skiffs to a distance of 5 cables. Each skiff had 5 people on-board and 1 ladder was sighted. No other piracy equipment was spotted. The MV’s on-board security team, showed their weapons, then fired flares. This was followed by warning shots being fired, before the skiffs moved away. The incident was reported to the UKMTO.
Allmode Comment:
As the SW Monsoon abates, it is predicted that more approaches will be made by small boats assessing the level of security on-board transiting vessels. Any suspicious activity should be reported immediately to the UKMTO and warnings given out over VHF. Ships transiting the region are advised to register with the UKMTO and have the option of joining an escorted transit with the Naval vessels currently in the region. It is strongly recommended that vessels employ their own Private Security Team when transiting the HRA.
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