As part of the top team at Marina Cabo San Lucas, Administrative Manager Leticia Delgado continues to be instrumental in the development of facilities and services at one of the busiest ports in Mexico. Yet despite her considerable achievements, it would be hard to find anyone more humble. We caught up with Leticia to discuss her path to Cabo and her ongoing support for the local community.
What was it like growing up in Guadalajara, Mexico, and what were your early ambitions?
Guadalajara was the best place to grow up, because it’s not too big, despite being the capital of the state of Jalisco, but big enough to offer a good life. I was born into a lovely Mexican family with parents who were dedicated to my wellbeing. From the age of 12 when I discovered a love for accountancy, my dream was to do exactly what I do today.
You later studied accountancy and psychology – why did you decide to pursue degrees in both?
I chose the accounting degree because I find it easy, it’s just logic. But once I got involved in business and the challenge of team building, I understood that whatever you want to achieve, whether it’s making money or art, it’s about people, so I studied psychology to understand more about human nature.
What was your first role with IGY Marinas and how did that come about?
At the time I was developing a gas station, and someone came to ask me for help with one of their customers. It turned out that the customer was IGY Marinas! The issue itself was actually quite simple but I couldn’t resist offering some additional recommendations, and two weeks later IGY offered me the position of Fuel Dock Manager at Marina Cabo San Lucas.
How has your role evolved and what is the scope of your remit today?
My natural curiosity has always driven me to look for new business opportunities, and over the past 20 years I’ve been fortunate in having the opportunity to surround myself with talented people who support my ideas.
Darren Carey, Director of Operations Mexico, encouraged me and allowed me to create new business lines. Initially I proposed an onsite convenience store, and now we operate three retail outlets, one of which is floating. When I was promoted to Administrative Manager I also had the opportunity to develop our food and beverage business, and currently we have two bars and a Mexican restaurant.
I was also responsible for negotiating our marine fuel contracts with the internationally renowned brand Repsol – Cabo has the only fuel dock with super high flow dispatch capacity, which makes us the best option for superyachts in search of a port where they can bunker and comply with international standards.
Other initiatives I’ve put in place include the proper management of hazardous waste in compliance with environmental regulations, and onsite advertising spaces for local and international brands. Today I’m also responsible for treasury, IT, and human resources.
What are your greatest challenges and what do you most enjoy?
The greatest challenge is also what I most enjoy, which is making people fall in love with their daily work, getting them engaged in what they do.
You’re also a strong advocate for equality and diversity and believe in the power of education - tell me about some of the opportunities you’ve championed for the local community in Cabo.
I’m convinced that education is the solution for many social problems. A few years ago, there were illiterate people on our team, but now there are none. I have always pushed my people to pursue a career and I asked IGY to grant them sponsorships. I also suggested we implement English classes, it’s a huge necessity - I didn’t speak English myself when IGY first hired me. I never ask people to do something I don’t do myself.
How would you describe daily life in Cabo and the marina’s place within it?
Cabo is one of the busiest ports in Mexico. With the Pacific Ocean to one side and the Sea of Cortez to the other, we’re surrounded by water, and attract beachgoers and sportfishing enthusiasts from all over the world. We host a growing number of sailing and motor yachts each year, and another common sight is the water taxis taking visitors to see the famous Arch of Cabo San Lucas.
Our role is to provide a secure dock and slips for boats but also to provide high quality service and amenities, and of course high quality fuel.
What are the busiest times of the year for Marina Cabo San Lucas?
For the past several years, Cabo has been booming year round. The marina no longer has a low season as such, but our busiest time is from October to January, with a steady flow of visitors through to April.
IGY Marinas has achieved incredible growth and expansion over the past 23 years – to what do you attribute this success?
Quality is never an accident, it’s always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skilled execution. MarineMax knows it, so I’m sure Cabo will continue to thrive and be a great place to work.
On a personal level, what are you most proud of?
What I’m most proud of is having prompted the interest in education. I’ve always focused on the importance of education and training – I’ve also taught some courses myself, for example computing, accounting, and customer service.
What is most important is that these people have changed their way of thinking and are now investing in their children’s education.
If you had access to any yacht in the world for two weeks, where would you go and what would you do?
For sure I would travel all over Europe and the Mediterranean. Like in the movie Eat, Pray, Love!
What’s a lesser-known fact about Leticia Delgado that would surprise your colleagues?
That I am a great singer, but I'm too shy to sing in public! I also enjoy cooking and love to share that passion with my family and friends.
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