Red Pill your Vessel or Property with ZediSense

In a data-driven world, ZediSense offers cruise ship owners, property owners, and superyacht owners the opportunity to red pill their operation through high-precision space usage and occupancy data that has never been available.
ZediSense is a revolutionary new sensor that can tell with 100% accuracy and certainty whether a room, cabin or any other space used by people, is occupied.
We spoke to Anu Peippo to find out how it is revolutionising the information available to various industries.
Back in 1999 in the sci-fi movie The Matrix, rebel leader Morpheus offered the protagonist, Neo, the choice between taking a red pill and a blue pill.
Taking the red pill promised to dramatically transform Neo’s perspective of the world around him, revealing certain truths about life that he hadn’t been aware of and showing him the world in a completely new way. The blue pill, meanwhile, wouldn’t change anything and his life would continue as it had before.
And just like in The Matrix, ZediSense is ready to ‘red pill’ your operations by delivering revolutionary insights, information and data about your vessel or property’s cabins, rooms and spaces that no sensor has ever been able to offer. The data produced by a network of ZediSense sensors are proven to improve the safety and security of any ship, yacht or property, all while delivering substantial savings in energy costs and improved efficiencies. Read on to find out how.
High-tech insights
ZediSense is a high-precision sensor specifically designed to detect the presence of people in a cabin, room or other space. Using radio waves capable of detecting micro movements, it is so sensitive that it can even detect the rise and fall of a sleeping person’s chest.
It is a discrete, hockey-puck-shaped sensor that affixes to a wall or the ceiling of a cabin, room or other space that you wish to monitor. It is available in custom colours to blend into most interior decor arrangements.
Unlike traditional motion sensors which are unreliable and can easily be fooled, ZediSense is so accurate that it always knows for 100 per cent sure whether or not a person is present in a given space.
It also represents a digital revolution in a category that has seen very little technological advancement for decades, and according to Anu Peippo, ZediSense’s marketing director, that’s led to the company having to deal with some common misconceptions amongst potential clients. Here are her top customer challenges:
1. “Traditional infra-red Person In-Room sensors are sufficient for the job.”
Anu was adamant that this is simply not true. “There’s a huge difference in precision between ZediSense and PIR sensors,” she said. “PIR sensors are far less sensitive and require much bigger movements to trigger, whereas ZediSense is capable of detecting even the tiniest movements in a space.”
2. “We don’t want any visual identification of guests.”
ZediSense is not a camera. It cannot visually identify anyone and cannot capture any images. “It’s just ones and zeroes,” Anu remarked. “There are no shapes, no images and no visual identifications.”
This level of privacy is always important, of course, but it is especially true on board superyachts with their notoriously private owners and guests.
3. “The commissioning process will take too long and be too difficult.”
According to Anu, once a potential customer understands ZediSense’s technology, customers are occasionally concerned that the commissioning process will be too much of a hassle. Some even worry that the ZediSense team will need to calibrate each room or cabin, one at a time. In fact, the opposite is true. “Customers sometimes worry that we will need to calibrate ZediSense units room by room/cabin by cabin,” she explained. “But that’s not how it works. In fact, once we know the layout for the rooms or spaces, and assuming all of them are briefly clear of people, we can mass-calibrate the sensors. So calibration is really not a problem and it’s typically quite straightforward.”
4. “Who stores the data generated by ZediSense?”
The customer stores all of the data generated by a ZediSense network. None of it is retained by the manufacturer in any way. “The customer chooses how they deal with the data, it’s theirs to use as they wish,” Anu clarified.
5. “Is the data easy to access?”
Yes, ZediSense integrates into most existing automation systems on the market. “This way the customer’s data is processed and available for them to easily use,” Anu noted.
How useful is ZediSense’s data?
The answer is: Extremely. There are several use cases for the data generated by ZediSense, but the three main ones are safety & security, cost savings, and efficiency improvements.
Safety and security are a priority on board any vessel as well as on any large property. In an emergency, ZediSense allows operators to see in real-time, which rooms, cabins or spaces are occupied. This simplifies and vastly speeds up emergency procedures, allowing crew and staff to save valuable seconds by going directly to occupied rooms and cabins to ensure proper evacuations are carried out, leaving nobody behind and in danger.
ZediSense’s high-precision radar technology is also a revolution in the security space which currently largely relies on unreliable motion sensors to detect intruders. Nothing will be able to sneak past a ZediSense unit, guaranteeing high-precision detection of intruders at all times and ensuring that security services can be swiftly alerted and crimes averted.
Cost savings are a concern for any vessel or property owner. In the face of rising energy costs, ZediSense offers a unique solution that allows operators to automate HVAC operations in rooms and cabins, delivering substantial energy cost savings to vessels and property owners. Thanks to ZediSense, HVAC services can now be automatically decreased in an unoccupied room or cabin. Curtains or blinds can similarly be programmed to close when the occupants leave.
Efficiency improvements are another major drawcard for ZediSense users across the board. The space usage data generated by ZediSense delivers detailed information previously unavailable to the market. By knowing exactly how guests use a given space, it’s expected that designers will be able to make changes to either existing or future designs to improve the efficiency of that space.
The product has also received positive feedback from superyacht stewardesses looking to utilise ZediSense networks to plan their interior servicing routines. “Stews want to know when guests are waking up, and when cabins are empty and ready for cleaning,” explained Anu.
ZediSense: The future awaits
Based in Finland, ZediSense is designed, built and sold by a dynamic group of specialists drawn from across the maritime industry. It’s ready to revolutionise the operations of your cruise ship, property, superyacht or hospitality operation. Contact ZediSense today for a professional consultation with their experts.
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