Yachting News » Business » Sales Broker Lous Sola Jones Joins Northrop & Johnson

Sales Broker Lous Sola Jones Joins Northrop & Johnson

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Northrop & Johnson is delighted to welcome Sales Broker Lou Sola to its team of international sales brokers. Lou will be working out of the Fort Lauderdale, Florida, office, and also will be serving a client base in Central America.

Lou Sola comes to Northrop & Johnson with more than 20 years of experience in the international maritime industry. He holds an international captains license and has sailed and fished around the globe. 

lolo sales broker


In addition to his experience at sea, Lou has taken part in many port and marina projects and has worked in maritime security, port development and operations, ship repairs, luxury marinas, cruise ports and yachting facilities.

As a sales broker, he personally has sold more than 125 yachts, valuing more than $300 million. Lou holds a master’s degree in international finance from the University of Illinois and speaks fluent Spanish. He also is a Commisioner of the State of Florida Board of Harbor Pilots.

For more information, please contact Sales Broker Lou Sola at lou.sola@northropandjohnson.com

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