Warsash: New Ballast Water Management Course

Warsash Maritime Academy has launched a new course in response to the imminent ratification of the IMO Ballast Water Management Convention (2004).
This intensive two-day 'Ballast Water Management (BWM)' course, will ensure that yacht captains and operators are better prepared to implement and monitor the Convention.
It is important to note that even those vessels which do not ordinarily undertake ballast operations have to operate a Ballast Water Management System.
The Convention imposes an environmental responsibility on the shipping industry, including yachts, to avoid pollution through the transfer of non-indigenous species between different regions through a ship’s water ballast.
Captain Nadeem Anwar, Petrochemical senior lecturer and course leader says, "There are no mandatory training requirements to date. However, for monitoring purposes, the administrations either have to organise in-house training or take advantage of the available quality course on this topic.
Similarly, yacht captains and engineers need to develop an ability to inform their decision making regarding the management system required as per the Convention. Upon ratification, there will be – as usual – a race against time; therefore by attending our course this is an opportunity to prepare for compliance”.
The BWM course will outline the requirements of the Convention, and provide the necessary knowledge for planning, implementation and monitoring. As the relevant authorities will be monitoring vessel compliance, the course also provides an overview of the key checks to be expected from Port State Control.
The course also covers the main principles of a management system and, where needed, the treatment technologies available as well as issues of installation and retrofitting. Candidates will also gain an overview of key foreign legislation in regards to the Convention requirements.
As well as being designed for yacht officers, the BWM course is also relevant to those workin gin shore based yacht management.
The first course begins on 5 October 2016, and full details can be found here.
Warsash Maritime Academy has provided first-class education, consultancy and research to the international shipping, commercial yacht, offshore, oil and gas industries for 70 years. Provides internationally recognised programmes for deck and engineer officers from cadet to Master and Chief Engineer, it also provides short safety courses such as fire fighting and sea survival, and continuous professional development for more experienced officers. Pioneers in bridge, engine room and liquid cargo operations simulators, it also has a specialist Ship Handling Centre at Timsbury Lake.
Related Article by Cathelco HEM:
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