Yachting News » Events » Monaco Yacht Show Announces New Format for 2020

Monaco Yacht Show Announces New Format for 2020

The Principality of Monaco and Informa, organisers of the annual Monaco Yacht Show have today announced a secure, not-for-profit format for this year's event, with full details to be announced soon.

Dedicated to supporting the swift recovery of the superyacht industry post COVID-19, the proposed event will apply strict standards of hygiene to allow industry stakeholders to connect with clients and peers in a safe environment.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a dramatic impact on the international yachting community, with many businesses temporarily closed causing disruption to the usual annual cycle of industry activity. Now, as different countries begin to relax lockdown and ease restrictions, MYS are keen to support the superyacht community and help businesses to recover safely and quickly.

Today's announcement comes only days after two major industry associations, SYBAss and LYBRA, confirmed their withdrawal from MYS this year, with rumours of other stakeholders following suit.

Monaco Yacht Show 2020 - Not-for-Profit 

While industry debate around MYS continues - both historic and recent - this year’s Monaco Yacht Show remains scheduled for 23-26 September, with the organisers believing this allows sufficient time for a carefully staged event in line with hygiene and social distancing measures. In addition, recognizing the economic impact of the pandemic on the global yachting community, the 30th edition of MYS will be run on a not-for-profit basis.

The Show will be organised in line with Informa’s AllSecure health and safety standard, with enhanced hygiene and safety measures to reassure all participants of a safe and controlled environment without compromising the quality of the event.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on all industries, not least the international yachting community. As we move to the other side of the pandemic, all parts of the industry need to work collaboratively to ensure a speedy return and recovery." said Charlie McCurdy, Chief Executive, Informa Markets. "We are playing our part by hosting a not-for-profit Monaco Yacht Show in 2020, providing an opportunity for the community to come together, share ideas, meet with customers and start to rebuild positive momentum.”

Jean Castellini, Minister of Finance and Economy for Monaco, adds, “In the aftermath of COVID-19, it is the responsibility of the Monaco Government to do everything we can to help businesses and industries recover quickly. In this spirit, we are working with Informa to finalise details of the 2020 Monaco Yacht Show, which will prioritize the health and safety of all participants, whilst providing direct support to the international yachting community, ensuring it can connect with customers and accelerate the recovery of what is an increasingly important industry for the region.”

We'll report further updates as they happen.

MYS Dates 2020

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