Crew Life

Boat Friendly Yoga - 5 Poses for Eternal Youth

Posted: 7th Apr 2015

Written by: Sonja Lockyer

Working in the yachting industry is heaven for the young, the fit and the adventurous. A major attraction to the industry is the places you’ll go and the fun you’ll have going there. Read More

Crew Workout: Legs and Butts

Posted: 6th Apr 2015

Written by: Mark Healy

Since the 'Belfie' seems to be taking over social media these days, this month offers a 'butt developing' exercise in readiness for your contribution. Read More

Tips on How to Book an Artist Onboard

Posted: 2nd Apr 2015

Written by: Acrew/ Onno Ebbens

I still remember the first time I booked an artist. We needed a DJ for an event in Turkey and I started Googling and asked around. Luckily one of my friends knew some really good DJ’s and put me in touch with them. Read More

SeaClean for Eliminating Soot

Posted: 30th Mar 2015

Written by: Ken Kreisler

All diesel engines produce soot as a product of combustion. A 99kW generator installed on a yacht before 2012 is allowed to produce over 700 grams (more than 1.5 pounds) of particulate matter (primarily soot) per day. Read More

The Crew Coach: Bumper Turnout for First Crew Talk of 2015

Posted: 30th Mar 2015

Written by: The Crew Coach

The first of The Crew Coach’s annual pre-season Free Talks for New Crew got off to a brilliant start in Antibes this week, with prospective new crew queuing around the block to gain entry to this popular event at The Quays Irish B... Read More

Crew Accommodation in Antibes

Posted: 30th Mar 2015

Written by: Lauren Williams

The most well-known crew houses in Antibes include The Crew Grapevine, The Crewhouse, The Glamorgan and Debbie's Crew House. We''ve compiled a guide to help newbies decide which one is right for them. Read More

Penum Yacht Chef Mentor Program

Posted: 25th Mar 2015

Written by: Ellie Barker

We are excited to launch the “Penum Yacht Chef Mentor Program”. The goal of this informal program is to connect established Yachting Head Chefs with: Crew Chefs, Second Chefs, Sole Chefs, Junior Chefs, Sous Chefs – all aspiring y... Read More

The Crew Coach: Is 35 too Old to Start out in Yachting?

Posted: 19th Mar 2015

Written by: Alison Rentoul

I'm considering going through the required training to become a Stewardess. I believe I have the skills and personality to be a really good stewardess, but I'm 34 years old, and I know that realistically age is a factor in this in... Read More

Luxury Hospitality: Creating High Perfomance Interior Teams

Posted: 13th Mar 2015

Written by: Lauren Williams

Last month ACREW, in association with the PYA, hosted a selection of workshops on the IYCA Antibes. I attended the ‘Creating High Performing Interior Teams’ workshop by Peter Vogel, MD of Interior Yacht Services. Read More

Continuous Professional Development for Yacht Captains

Posted: 13th Mar 2015

Written by: Ian Bone

A reasonable amount of information and discussion is beginning to emerge in the yachting media concerning the development of an unlimited yacht specific Masters certificate of competency. Read More

The Crew Academy GUEST Courses

Posted: 11th Mar 2015

Written by: Lauren Williams

This month, OnboardOnline was invited to attend a lunch for the Crew Academy PYA accredited GUEST Level 2 Interior Training course. Rather than outdated and unrealistic theory training, The Crew Academy uses a villa with a realist... Read More

Q&A: Fitness Guru Mark Healy

Posted: 9th Mar 2015

Written by: OnboardOnline

Fitness guru Mark Healy provides elite health and fitness professionals to private residences and superyacht clients, as well as design and consultancy services for high end facilities throughout Europe and the USA. Read More

More Men Should do Pilates!

Posted: 3rd Mar 2015

Written by: Marika Gruber

First of all, I am a woman, but I think I can say without hesitating that most men love sports, which require strength, flexibility, stability and balance - so why aren’t more men doing Pilates? Read More

Wine Buffs: Name that Taste

Posted: 18th Feb 2015

Written by: Rod Smith

Have you ever wondered exactly what your wine tastes of? Of for that matter, wondered why wine-geeks talk of wines tasting of a plethora of things other than grapes, or any other kind of fruit for that matter? Read More

Deliciously Ella and the Food Revolution

Posted: 18th Feb 2015

Written by: Karen Hockney

Ella Woodward, a Londoner who was left bedbound four years ago after contracting Postural Tachycardia Syndrome - a disorder of the nervous system - cured herself through changing her diet and giving up gluten, refined sugar, meat ... Read More

Inspire to Lead

Posted: 14th Feb 2015

Written by: Simon Harvey

As yachts get ever larger and regulations increase, the role of a superyacht Captain, Officer, or HOD can seem less about the vessel and crew and more about admin and paperwork. These things are important, but don't let them rob y... Read More

PYA Guest Awareness Programme

Posted: 13th Feb 2015

Written by: Karen Hockney

What will it take for yachting to see that interior training is commercially viable? If the reaction from the first PYA GUEST Awareness Workshop held earlier this week is anything to go by, the industry is slowly but surely waking... Read More

Vanquish with Vinegar!

Posted: 13th Feb 2015

Written by: Isobel Odendaal

Keeping within the spirit of natural cleaning products that I have been discussing over the past few columns, it would be almost irresponsible of me not to dedicate an entire column to the most magic natural cleaner of all – good ... Read More

Yachtmasters: Ship's Captain or Boat Skipper? (Chapter 1)

Posted: 12th Feb 2015

Written by: Captain Horatio Hardy, aka Commander Sean O'Reilly

What can yachties teach crusty old Master Mariners? What can yachting learn from the wider shipping industry? Captain Horatio Hardy and Yachtmaster Skippy Brewster embark on a journey of discovery, from which both emerge wiser me... Read More

IYS & ITA Announce a Unique Collaboration

Posted: 10th Feb 2015

Written by: Interior Yacht Services

IYS Interior Yacht Services and ITA Interior Training Academy are pleased to announce that they will be supporting each other’s efforts and programs, starting 2015. Read More

Captain Paul Bickley, Motor Yacht Latitude

Posted: 28th Jan 2015

Written by: Karen Hockney

You don’t have to spend very long talking to Paul Bickley, captain of motor yacht Latitude, to grasp the fact that onboard mentoring and training, crew development and team spirit are where it’s at. Read More

Crew Workout: Exercises for Core Strength

Posted: 21st Jan 2015

Written by: Mark Healy

Instead of bombarding you all with yet another fitness article in January, we've decided to target those of you who are still serious about their exercise and begin a month later. This month Mark Healy Dina Balint share three exe... Read More

How to Avoid Seasickness

Posted: 14th Jan 2015

Written by: Alison Clements

Restlessness, cold sweats, stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting….there’s no mistaking seasickness. Once it has set in when you’re out on a boat, you can’t do much to overcome the misery and discomfort of it. Yet for recreational sailo... Read More

Manila Amendments of the STCW Code: 2017 Updates

Posted: 7th Jan 2015

Written by: PYA

January 1st 2017 will be the final implementation date of the Manila Amendments of the STCW Code (STCW 2010). There are 1.4 million seafarers worldwide needing to ensure their qualifications are in date, so places will be limited ... Read More

New Year, New Food?

Posted: 2nd Jan 2015

Written by: Karen Hockney

For most of us, good nutrition means eating a balance of fresh, seasonal produce, trying not to snack between meals and limiting junk food, sugar and alcohol intake to a minimum. Throw in a dash of exercise (medical guidelines rec... Read More

Is Leadership on Board a Matter of Perspective?

Posted: 27th Dec 2014

Written by: Simon Harvey

Leadership and good communication are important skills in crew resource management and currently quite a talking point. Crew know that working on a yacht is not like any other job, at least none that I know of, as it has it's own ... Read More

The Best Wine in the World - Its Sherry!

Posted: 23rd Dec 2014

Written by: Rod Smith

For most people the word Sherry conjures up images of sticky brown liquids dragged reluctantly from the same bottle in Great Aunt Mildred’s drinks cabinet, Christmas after Christmas, and forced to be sipped, even more reluctantly,... Read More

Transatlantic Delivery - Are You Prepared?

Posted: 18th Dec 2014

Written by: Ted Street

The Med season has ended and it’s time to deliver your boat. These days in yachting that could be absolutely anywhere! Owners are keener than ever to head off the beaten path and explore new cruising grounds while the standard sea... Read More

Interview: Captain Mark O'Connell

Posted: 17th Dec 2014

Written by: Karen Hockney

As a member of the British Army's elite Parachute Regiment, Mark O’Connell followed an unusual and rather eventful path into yachting. Read More

Laundry Disasters and Stain Removal

Posted: 4th Dec 2014

Written by: Isobel Odendaal

As promised in our previous article in September, this month, we are focusing on undoing some of those laundry horrors that many of you have had to deal with. Read More


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