
MedAire Sea to Shore

Posted: 5th Nov 2014

Written by: MedAire

Yachties may now confidently explore new destinations with the support of MedAire, the global travel safety provider. The MedAire Sea to Shore app for iPad is the first of its kind, delivering medical and travel safety information... Read More

Bluewater's John Wyborn Disucsses the Evolution of Yacht Crew Training

Posted: 31st Oct 2014

Written by: Karen Hockney

In 1991, the newly-founded bluewater was only the third crew agency in existence, and a Yachtmaster was the only piece of paper you needed. John Wyborn tells OnboardOnline how the industry has changed. Read More

Medaire Trip Ready

Posted: 23rd Oct 2014

Written by: MedAire

Assess and mitigate travel and safety risks for crew and passengers on your upcoming trips. Pilots and flight departments can see the medical and travel risk ratings, local time, current weather, and Notams for each destination on... Read More

Security at Sea: Proactive vs Reactive

Posted: 22nd Oct 2014

Written by: Shawn Engbrecht

Security is awash with references to “Proactive” operations and bemoans the hazards of “Reactive” style security. Let me clarify the difference. Read More

Clare Hoar: Ahead of the Curve with Vinyl Coatings

Posted: 21st Oct 2014

Written by: Karen Hockney

Over the past decade or two, vinyl has been emerging as a viable alternative to a paint finishes. One of the companies leading the way, Wild Group International, is keen to change the landscape by educating captains, designers and... Read More

Superyacht Bullies: When Crew Turn on Crew

Posted: 17th Oct 2014

Written by: OnboardOnline

A female crew member was allegedly repeatedly attacked by a senior male crew member over a period of months. Bullying exists on yachts as it does in life, but this case is instructive, in that it paints a worst-case scenario of wh... Read More

Yacht Electronic Technology Projects: The 80-20 Rule

Posted: 17th Oct 2014

Written by: Great Circle Sytems - Andy Levy

You might not be familiar with the term "80-20 Rule," but I'm sure you've seen it in practice. Also called the "Pareto Principle," the "Law of the Vital Few," and the “Principle of Factor Sparsity," it states that in many instance... Read More

Winter Berths: The New Superyacht Marinas

Posted: 23rd Sep 2014

Written by: Daniel Shea

With new developments opening in Barcelona, Cyprus, Malta, Turkey, Montenegro and Croatia, yacht owners can now look beyond the Cote d'Azur for the winter months. We explore some exciting new ports around the Med to see why they h... Read More

Roger Towner - Bridging Superyachts & the MCA

Posted: 22nd Sep 2014

Written by: Karen Hockeny

In his 18 years at the MCA, Roger Towner has managed to bridge the gap between ensuring exacting levels of safety and professionalism while keeping mostly onside with the grass roots of the industry. Read More

MYBA Celebrates Thirty Years

Posted: 21st Sep 2014

Written by: Daniel Shea

As MYBA celebrates its 30th anniversary, it can say without reservation that the last decade has been a doozy. But faced with technological revolution, rapid expansion of the market and massive haemorrhaging post financial crisis,... Read More

New Builds: Functional Crew Mess Design

Posted: 16th Sep 2014

Written by: Superyacht Operating Systems (SOS)

All too often the functional spaces on board a yacht are designed by people who are proficient in design and have the best intentions but have never been crew. Read More

Security at Sea: Commercial vs Private

Posted: 15th Sep 2014

Written by: Cass Global

Maritime security can be roughly divided into two segments: commercial and private. They are alike as chalk is to cheese and it is important to understand the few similarities and marked differences in their approach to security a... Read More

Crew Safety Ashore: Time to Act

Posted: 14th Sep 2014

Written by: Felix Rowe

A lot of effort goes into protecting yachts, but how much thought goes into protecting the crew, especially ashore? The risk of being attacked used to be highest in the Caribbean, but things are changing. So is enough being done t... Read More

Brass Monkeys and Clean Slates: Nautical Terminology II

Posted: 13th Sep 2014

Written by: Jo Morgan

Following on from our first feature on nautical terminology, we venture further into the truths and myths of old sailing expressions. Join us for a look into the origins of grog, the fate of that poor doomed monkey and the legend... Read More

Speaking with Ulf Sydbeck of Riviera Yacht Support

Posted: 10th Sep 2014

Written by: Karen Hockney

They say it’s not what you know but who you know, and there are few individuals as well connected as Ulf Sydbeck, Founder of Riviera Yacht Support, when it comes to delivering over and above the expectations of clients. Read More

How Safe is Antibes for Yacht Crew?

Posted: 9th Sep 2014

Written by: Kitty Cavendish

As stories of muggings and violence circulate, it begins to feel as if crime, particularly targeted towards yacht crew, must be on the rise in and around Antibes. Read More

How Safe is Antibes for Yacht Crew?

Posted: 5th Sep 2014

Written by: Kitty Cavendish and Jo Morgan

As stories of muggings and violence circulate, it begins to feel as if crime, particularly targeted towards yacht crew, must be on the rise in and around Antibes. Read More

App Review: Fitbit Flex

Posted: 5th Sep 2014

Written by: Lauren Williams

Depending on what kind of boat you work on, exercise is either par for the course or really difficult to fit in. The same goes for sleep. Fitbit flex helps monitor and motivate you for healthier habits. Read More

3 Ways Yacht Management Software Makes Fractional Ownership Easier

Posted: 28th Aug 2014

Written by: Amy Levy

If you manage, captain or crew a fractionally owned vessel, you need to put a great deal of effort into back-office management. That's where yacht management software comes in. Read More

Regional Maritime Security: Thailand

Posted: 25th Aug 2014

Written by: Allmode

Is your yacht visiting Thailand this year? Allmode Security Services has compiled a full report on security, personal safety and local health risks to help you plan your trip. Read More

Crew Safety Ashore: Sobering Thoughts

Posted: 20th Aug 2014

Written by: Cass Global

For a long time the Caribbean has been regarded as the most dangerous destination for crew off duty, but the number of attacks in the Mediterranean is at an all time high. Read More

The PYA: The Minnow and the Whale

Posted: 19th Aug 2014

Written by: Captain Rod Hatch

Ever heard of the PYA? Never heard of the PYA? Heard of it as Protect Your Ass?
What do you do to protect your ass? Take another course, move up the ladder, earn more pay? Of course you protect your ass. But you are not doing it ...
Read More

Reckless Jetski & Tender Handling Crackdown

Posted: 18th Aug 2014

Written by: Camper & Nicholsons

Following a recent fatal jetski accident in Porquerolles near St Tropez, French authorities are cracking down on tender and jetski operation in the South of France. Read More

Reckless Jetski /Tender Handling Crackdown

Posted: 18th Aug 2014

Written by: Camper & Nicholsons

Following a recent fatal jetski accident in Porquerolles near St Tropez, French authorities are cracking down on tender and jetski operation in the South of France. Read More

Loose Lips Sink Ships: Yacht Security

Posted: 11th Aug 2014

Written by: Cass Global

The stereotype of ‘maritime security’ in the form of physically intimidating, well-armed former soldiers represents a considerable portion of the industry today. The reason? Misinformed clients still pay for it, ergo security com... Read More


Posted: 6th Aug 2014

Written by: Intelsat

Intelsat is the leading provider of fixed satellite services worldwide. Intelsat supplies video, data and voice connectivity for leading media and communications companies, Internet Service Providers and government organizations. Read More

MLC 2006, Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17, and You

Posted: 6th Aug 2014

Written by: Captain Rod Hatch

There would seem to be no connection whatsoever between the three items in the headline. However, under the MLC, are you confident that you would have no conceivable liability for what happens to a travelling seafarer under circum... Read More

Advisory Notice: Ebola Virus

Posted: 5th Aug 2014

Written by: Allmode

A Public Health Warning has been issued to GP’s, A&E, Critical Care Units and all NHS trusts across the UK regarding the signs and symptoms of the deadly Ebola Virus. Read More

Agent Provocateur: A Yachting Survey Backfires

Posted: 4th Aug 2014

Written by: Karen Hockney

In May of 2014, The Superyacht Report published a report naming the 'best' and 'worst' yacht agents in the industry. The article prompted much debate over whether the survey methods were flawed and whether the article should have... Read More

From LinkedIn to Tinder; Apps to Help and Hinder!

Posted: 1st Aug 2014

Written by: Lauren Williams

We all know apps are useful, but have you ever thought about what they could do for your yachting career? Amongst the Angry Birds and Candy Crush lie the social and yacht-crew specific apps to help you on your way. Read More


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