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Career & Training

Sea Time: A Small Remark With Big Consequences

Posted: 25th Sep 2013

Written by: Lars Lippuner, Warsash Superyacht Academy

At the Monaco Yacht Show 2011 the MCA announced that they had removed the 'glass-ceiling’ and would now accept sea time gained on yachts towards unlimited certification. What at the time might have seemed just a rather insignifica... Read More

Warsash Superyacht Academy Launches Mobile Learning App

Posted: 23rd Sep 2013

Written by: Warsash Superyacht Academy

Warsash Superyacht Academy announces the launch of its new mobile learning platform dedicated to supporting the training of superyacht crew. Read More

Q&A: Jenny Howarth, Director IYC Crew

Posted: 16th Sep 2013

Written by: OnboardOnline

OnboardOnline recently caught up with Jenny Howarth to talk about the milk run summers, the joy of turtles, and what it's like to finally unpack your bags. Read More

Five Things You Should Know About Job Hunting at Boat Shows

Posted: 11th Sep 2013

Written by: Alison Rentoul

September is upon us and the two biggest autumn boat shows in the Med are about to unfold, with Cannes this week and Monaco at the end of the month. If you’re looking for work, it’s tempting to think a boat show is the place to be... Read More

Why Crew Need Better Tender Training

Posted: 9th Sep 2013

Written by: John Wyborn- Bluewater Yachting

Over the last ten years, I have heard an extraordinary number of times that the most frightening experience for crew was when they joined their first yacht and were expected to drive the tender. Read More

Reasons for Leaving a Job that Won't Raise Red Flags

Posted: 6th Sep 2013

Written by: Alison Rentoul

While almost everyone has had some kind of employment disaster where things didn’t work out, we then have the problem of answering awkward questions about it from potential new employers or crew agents. Read More

Here's Why the Superyacht Industry Isn't for Everyone

Posted: 6th Sep 2013

Written by: Victoria Bourhill

When I first joined the ‘glamorous’ world that is the yachting industry, I would hear from people here and there that ‘this isn’t for everybody’. If you can identify with the majority of the following points then perhaps seeing th... Read More

Keeping Your Eye on the Ball at the End of the Yachting Season

Posted: 28th Aug 2013

Written by: Alison Rentoul

It's the end of the season, you and your team have been working your behinds off all summer, and not only is everyone tired and crotchety, but you can almost taste the delicious freedom that is just around the corner. But, be warn... Read More

EQ vs IQ: Which is More Important?

Posted: 12th Aug 2013

Written by: Alison Rentoul

A person's IQ (or intelligence quotient) has widely been considered the most reliable indicator of their potential to succeed in life. However, if you think about the people you have worked with over the years, my bet is there’s s... Read More

Three Effective Stress-busters for When it all Gets too Much

Posted: 6th Aug 2013

Written by: Alison Rentoul

Once stress gets its big fat foot in the door of your psyche it has a nasty habit of barging right in, making for the sofa and taking up unwelcome residence in the living room of your mind. Read More

The Crew Coach: Pressure vs Performance

Posted: 31st Jul 2013

Written by: Alison Rentoul

We are unconsciously drawn to the need to add pressure in our lives, yet sometimes the pressure turns into unproductive stress. The trick is to maintain enough pressure to produce the magic, without allowing it to tip us over the ... Read More

Yacht Crew: How Well do You Know Your Cabin Mate?

Posted: 23rd Jul 2013

Written by: Jenny Howarth

You work all day together, you socialize together, and you may even share a cabin. But how much do you really know about the people you work with? Recent revelations about a convicted paedophile working as a superyacht captain hav... Read More

Q&A: Alison Rentoul, Founder of The Crew Coach

Posted: 12th Jul 2013

Written by: OnboardOnline

Alison Rentoul is known to many as The Crew Coach. However, she took a few knocks herself before deciding to dedicate her career to helping others avoid many of the same pitfalls and guide them up the ladder. Read More

Everything Crew Need to Know about MLC 2006

Posted: 25th Jun 2013

Written by: Melanie Langley

MLC 2006 will finally be implemented on 20 August - so how will it affect you? Melanie Langley answers your most frequent questions. Read More

MLC 2006: All Your Questions Answered

Posted: 25th May 2013

Written by: Melanie Langley, Moore Stephens Crew Solutions

Thank you to our readers for your comments on Melanie Langley's article published on 4 March: 'MLC 2006: What You Need to Know'. We asked Melanie to respond to each point and you can now read her answers to your questions here. Read More

Yacht Crew: How to Create a Strong CV

Posted: 22nd Apr 2013

Written by: Erica Lay

With the Med season already under way, new crew are arriving in their hundreds to the top locations: Antibes and Palma, hitting the docks and armed with CVs. Here's how to make sure yours stands out. Read More

Yacht Crew Training: More Needs to be Done

Posted: 11th Apr 2013

Written by: John Wyborn

There is a popular myth that all of us training providers are at each other’s throats, stabbing each other in the back (mmmm…can you do both?...maybe not). But anyway it’s not true. Read More

The Right Stuff

Posted: 21st Mar 2013

Written by: OnboardOnline

As a yacht manager and former yacht captain, Fabien Roché has had quite a bit of experience with placing crew. In recent years however, he’s noticed that not everyone has necessarily put in the right amount of time to gain the exp... Read More

MLC 2006: What You Need to Know

Posted: 4th Mar 2013

Written by: Melanie Langley

On 23rd August, the Philippines became the 30th country to ratify Maritime Labour Convention 2006, setting in motion the 12 month run-up to its full implementation and some major changes for yacht crew. Read More

Industry-wide Blame for Insufficient Crew Training

Posted: 28th Feb 2013

Written by: Lulu Trask,

Off the back of a day of candid discussion surrounding the training of engineers, John Wyborn, training director at Bluewater Yachting, discusses how crewmembers, training providers and regulatory bodies can work together to move ... Read More

MLC Ratification and its Impact on Crew Employment

Posted: 27th Feb 2013

Written by: Grant Atchison

Grant Atchison – Director at Moore Stephens IOM, considers the impact of MLC 2006 from an owner's perspective. Are owners being made adequately aware of these changes, and how will they effect crew employment? Read More

The Russian (Language) Revolution On Board Superyachts

Posted: 25th Feb 2013

Written by: Kevin Connor

Recent years have seen a surge in Russian-speaking superyacht owners, bringing with it a range of new demands for captains and crew. One is communicating with them, as on the whole Russians tend to speak little English and feel m... Read More

Crew Interviews: How to Interview a Candidate

Posted: 22nd Feb 2013

Written by: Erica Lay

Lots of crew magazines offer helpful hints and advice on how to prepare and behave in a job interview, but not much consideration has been given on the other side of the table: how do you interview a potential crewmember? Read More

Bluewater Yachting: Advice for New Crew

Posted: 15th Jan 2013

Written by: Lizzie Irving

Every year we see a massive influx of green crew looking to make their mark in the industry and yachting forums seem to have the same topic posted weekly: “I am looking for my first position on board, where should I go, what shoul... Read More

Moore Stephens: Planning for your Retirement

Posted: 13th Jan 2013

Written by: Paul Morter

As we are all living longer than previous generations, we can look forward to many more years in retirement. That’s both good news and bad news, and it’s certainly not great news if you haven’t prepared. So what should you be doin... Read More

Yacht Crew: Getting the Most out of Your Recruitment Agent

Posted: 10th Jan 2013

Written by: Erica Lay

As yachts increase in size and complexity so must the crew. Sometimes a captain simply doesn’t have the time to source individuals with the specialist skills and experience required. That´s ok though – that´s where people like me,... Read More

Yacht Crew: How to Upskill During Your Downtime

Posted: 12th Nov 2014

If your seasonal position has come to an end, now is a great time to reflect on how far you’ve come and plan what you want to achieve next. When you have time at your disposal, it’s always a good idea to expand your knowledge base... Read More


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