Crew Life

Breathing Exercises to Keep you Calm On Board

Posted: 6th Dec 2019

Written by: Reni Horvath

Depression, anxiety and stress are increasing in the life of many crew members, but what if we told you that by changing the way you breathe, you can become more resilient and even change your life? Read More

How to Build Confidence

Posted: 27th Nov 2019

Written by: Sara Ballinger

In my role as a coach and mentor, I’m very aware that the biggest challenge for most of the women and men I work with is their confidence in their own abilities. Often called ‘imposter syndrome’, this is true of even the most seni... Read More

In the Galley with Superyacht Chef Sabi Csitari

Posted: 22nd Nov 2019

Written by: Sabi Csitari

With 18 years’ culinary experience, the Hugarian/Irish chef has a wealth of experience cooking aboard superyachts. From the ingredients he can't live without to the gadgets that take pride of place in his galley, here's all you ne... Read More

How to Build High-Performing Teams

Posted: 21st Nov 2019

Written by: Sara Ballinger

Crew-Glue was launched to support captains and crew by expediting the team-building process to reach a high-performance team status sooner, giving you the very best chance of success when starting your season or launching your new... Read More

Crew Tips for Better Rest and Sleep

Posted: 5th Nov 2019

Written by: John Breese

While working onboard a superyacht is an extremely exciting proposition, it also comes with certain challenges – one of the most important being disruptions to your sleep schedule, which is bound to be an irregular one on board. Read More

Here's Why Successful People Have Mentors

Posted: 4th Nov 2019

Written by: Karine Rayson

They say success comes with insight, however insight is only achieved by seeing the world through a lens other than your own. No matter how successful you perceive yourself to be, that success is not sustainable unless you continu... Read More

How to Get the Yacht Owner On Board with your Idea

Posted: 30th Oct 2019

Written by: Jenny Mathews & Natasha Ambrose

It’s October and winter work lists are on the table, but how do you pitch an idea and get the boss to loosen the purse strings? In our experience, if you can present a solid case based on sound economics, you're more likely to get... Read More

Crew Tips for Avoiding Injury Onboard

Posted: 30th Oct 2019

Written by: Reni Horvath

While working onboard a superyacht sounds like a fantastic opportunity to travel the seas and explore the world, beyond the surface there’s a lot of hard work. Crew can easily be on their feet for up to 16 hours a day, with owners... Read More

Crew Look After Superyachts, but who Looks After Crew?

Posted: 28th Oct 2019

Written by: Melanie Langley

Superyacht crewing has become one of the go-to careers for young men and women looking to earn great money while sailing to exotic locations aboard multi-million-dollar luxury yachts. It's crucial you protect yourself with an indi... Read More

Top Training for Crew at all Levels at The Boat Works

Posted: 24th Oct 2019

Written by: Naomi Chadderton

Maritime training is in high demand and boat ownership on the Gold Coast set to treble in the next 25 years, so luckily training, licensing and certification in all areas of boating is now available at The Boat Works thanks to the... Read More

Managing Perception vs. Perspective On Board

Posted: 24th Oct 2019

Written by: Sara Ballinger

Understanding the difference between perception and perspective is very important as it helps develops self-awareness and tolerance while facilitating compromise. This is never more important than when you live and work with other... Read More

Superyacht Chef Bianca Jade Murphy

Posted: 15th Oct 2019

Written by: Bianca Jade Murphy

Currently working onboard the busy 50m charter yacht MY Endeavour II, Bianca Jade Murphy boasts 14 years’ experience as a chef onboard superyachts. Here’s what she has to say about her experiences in the industry… Read More

Beginner’s Guide to European Wines for Yacht Crew: Part 2

Posted: 14th Oct 2019

Written by: Captain Rod Hatch

For all newbie yacht crew, read part 2 of Captain Rod Hatch's Beginner's Guide to European Wines - a journey through France, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, Croatia and Montenegro. Read More

Let's Talk About Mental Health at Sea

Posted: 10th Oct 2019

Written by: Naomi Chadderton

World Mental Health Day is celebrated every year on October 10th to encourage open conversations about mental health conditions which is extremely important because let’s face it, even though working at sea onboard a superyacht mi... Read More

Inspiring and Motivating Crew Across Generations

Posted: 8th Oct 2019

Written by: Karen Passman

How do you engage crew to do what needs to be done? Gone are the days where a simple “do it because I told you to!” is enough. If yacht crew don’t feel valued, empowered, or have clear and timely career progression, they will simp... Read More

How to Choose the Perfect Job for you

Posted: 7th Oct 2019

Written by: Karine Rayson

We're seeing more and more crew leaving their jobs not because of unfair pay, but because their roles are not in alignment with their values. We guide you on how to find a job that is just right for you when the idea of finding th... Read More

Beginner’s Guide to European Wines for Yacht Crew: Part 1

Posted: 2nd Oct 2019

Written by: Captain Rod Hatch

A must-read for New World stewards and stewardesses new to the industry and to the Old World of Europe, Captain Rod Hatch takes us on a journey through France and Italy in part 1 of 'A Beginner’s Guide to European Wines'. Read More

Conflict Happens and Here’s how to Deal with it

Posted: 16th Sep 2019

Written by: Karen Passman

Is conflict good or bad? There are some people who will claim that they’ve never had a cross word with a colleague and, if true, we have to ask how they respond when they disagree with someone. Read More

Jenny Matthews Talks Female Empowerment

Posted: 16th Sep 2019

Written by: Naomi Chadderton

While gender inequality is common in the superyacht industry, it’s very rare that people talk about it. That’s where First Officer Jenny Matthews comes in. We speak to her about the persistent gender gap in the industry, and what ... Read More

In the Galley with Superyacht Chef Luke Owen

Posted: 16th Sep 2019

Written by: Luke Owen

With 20 years' experience as a chef on board superyachts, English-born Luke Owen has seen it all. From his all-time heroes to the ingredients he can't live without, we talk to the Sole Chef about his experiences in the kitchen and... Read More

Work Smarter, Not Faster: Time Management Tips

Posted: 9th Sep 2019

Written by: Karen Passman

How do those people who seem able to fit twice as much into the day as you do, or make the time to do the things you only dream of having time for, do it? If you want to manage your time more effectively, here are a few ideas to h... Read More

Mindfulness Trends in the Workplace

Posted: 4th Sep 2019

Written by: Karine Rayson

In today’s industry, high crew turnover is increasingly becoming a problem. Largely a result of burnout or interpersonal conflict among crew, it’s necessary that heads of departments are better equipped in implementing strategies ... Read More

Managing the War of Words On Board

Posted: 4th Sep 2019

Written by: Sara Ballinger

We’ve worked with a number of teams with issues from their past which still hang in the air, never to be spoken about. Then there are the conversations no one wants to have, and the obvious truths that are being avoided. Read More

Managing Your Mental Health Onboard

Posted: 29th Aug 2019

Written by: Karen Passman

The mental health of seafarers is a hot topic and, with greater understanding of its impact in the workplace, the superyacht industry is taking stock. With one in four people struggling with poor mental health at some point in the... Read More

Yachtmasters: Ship's Captain or Boat Skipper? (Conclusion)

Posted: 24th Aug 2019

Written by: Horatio Hardy - aka Commander Sean O'Reilly

The story concludes with more than a sting... Captain Horatio Hardy is on a mission to find his lost triplet nieces whose parents have been kidnapped by marauding pirates in the Gulf of Socotra. His search leads him to the Cote d'... Read More

Nautilus Commercial Yacht Service Record Book

Posted: 11th Aug 2019

Written by: Nautilus International

A major attraction of Nautilus membership for yacht crew is the Nautilus International Commercial Yacht Service Record Book. If you're new to Nautilus – or new to the superyacht industry – here's how it works. Read More

Nautical Novelist - Captain William Gilbert

Posted: 11th Aug 2019

Written by: Sarah Robinson

Superyacht captain William Gilbert has long maintained a parallel career as a maritime author. Sarah Robinson meets a writer who delves into his Merchant Navy past and yachting present to create memoirs and novels with the ring of... Read More

Yacht Crew: Earning After Yachting

Posted: 6th Aug 2019

Written by: Jodie Clarke

Adjusting to land life has many challenges, beginning with feeling shell-shocked at how much time and effort day-to-day living actually requires when you’re lacking a team of stewardesses, laundrymen, deckies and chefs. Read More

Superyacht Hospitality Training - The Full 360 Degrees

Posted: 1st Aug 2019

Written by: Karen Hockney

When it comes to providing the ultimate in superyacht hospitality, technical knowledge and leadership skills are essential, but motivation is just as crucial. Luxury Hospitality have developed a full circle training approach to en... Read More

Crew Hiring Mistakes to Avoid

Posted: 23rd Jul 2019

Written by: Colette Flowerdew-Kincaid

There’s nothing worse than setting out on a long cruise with the owner or charter guests, only to realise that your new recruit may not be as good as you thought they were. Lauren Cotton, founder of yacht crew agency, Cotton Crews... Read More


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