Crew Life

Yachting is Safe, Until You Forget it's Dangerous - Conclusion

Posted: 22nd Jul 2019

Written by: Commander Sean O'Reilly

Fishermen Alf and his son have gone to sea for the day, expected home by 16:00. But they aren’t. Three days of angst-ridden searching reveals nothing, until ominously evidential flotsam washes ashore. There is no sign of either Be... Read More

Yacht Crew: Getting On Board with Millennials

Posted: 21st Jul 2019

Written by: Julia Matheson

Who exactly are we referring to when we talk about millennials? On board they are probably the majority of your crew, so if you’re struggling to understand what makes this new Generation Y tick, it’s time to find out. Read More

How Team Talk Shapes Onboard Culture

Posted: 21st Jul 2019

Written by: Sara Ballinger

It's human nature to seek out people like us; we want to find our tribe. But this can’t happen if we only talk about our jobs, especially with superyacht crew who live and work together in such an intimate environment. Read More

Preparing for Life After Yachting

Posted: 20th Jul 2019

Written by: Jodie Clarke

This article was inspired by a post in Palma Yacht Crew, asking: “How do you know when you’ve had enough? And what do you plan on doing once back on land (aside from getting a dog, obviously)?” As an ex-yachtie myself, I can total... Read More

The Hot Seat in Maritime Simulation for Yacht Crew

Posted: 20th Jul 2019

Written by: Jenny Mathews

Technology is being implemented into nearly all aspects of everyday life, and maritime training is no exception. One could argue whether this is positive or negative, but one thing cannot be disputed: we are well and truly in the ... Read More

Using SWOT to Direct Your Next Move

Posted: 19th Jul 2019

Written by: Karine Rayson

One simple but effective tool for delivering feedback is a SWOT - an acronym for ‘strengths’ ‘weaknesses’ ‘opportunities’ and ‘threats’ - but first you need to be clear about your objectives. Read More

Perspectives on Onboard Culture in Yachting

Posted: 9th Jul 2019

Written by: OnboardOnline

Culture is one of the great intangibles all around us. When it’s good it’s great; when it’s bad, it can negatively impact service, productivity, happiness and even health. So what determines the culture on board, and how do we cha... Read More

Mental Health Handbook from The Crew Coach

Posted: 23rd Jun 2019

Written by: Karine Rayson

Recently, the Life is for Living event took place in Palma, an event championed by yacht crew and local business owners to raise awareness of mental health in the yachting industry. To share this information more widely, I've comp... Read More

Calls for Crew Wellbeing to be Enshrined in Law

Posted: 13th Jun 2019

Written by: Helen Kelly - Nautilus Int.

As shocking statistics on seafarer suicides and depression are published, calls are growing for crew wellbeing to be linked with ship safety and included in international regulations. Meanwhile, shipowners are being urged to impro... Read More

Yachting is Safe...Until You Forget it's Dangerous

Posted: 6th Jun 2019

Written by: Commander Sean O'Reilly

As a ship’s master accrues wisdom and experience at sea, sliding down the proverbial banister of life, there are few rigid questions and even fewer rigid answers. It’s arguably more art than science, for captaincy is surely as muc... Read More

Experts: Be Careful who you Listen to

Posted: 29th May 2019

Written by: Jodie Clarke

Plenty of people are eager to offer their expert advice, but how much do they really know? Ultimately we’re only as good as the education we’ve received along the way, but too often that knowledge comes from third parties who aren... Read More

Superyacht Crew Are Signing Up to Nautilus International in Record Numbers

Posted: 28th May 2019

Written by: Gary Crossing - Nautilus Int.

With its MCA-accredited Service Record Book and a strong history of winning employment cases, Nautilus is attracting a growing number of members in the superyacht sector. Gary Crossing looks at what the Union has to offer. Read More

The Crew Coach: How Yacht Crew Can Avoid Burnout

Posted: 7th May 2019

Written by: Karine Rayson

Unfortunately, burnout is a term often associated with the yachting industry, says Karine Rayson from The Crew Coach. She hopes that if crew are more aware of the warning signs we can help ourselves and each other take preventativ... Read More

The Great Sex Divide: Women in Maritime Leadership

Posted: 30th Apr 2019

Written by: Karen Passman

In 2018, Maritime UK established a Women in Maritime Taskforce to identify practical steps to increase the number of women working in the maritime sector, specifically in senior roles. Read More

Making Seafaring more Attractive to Diverse Crew

Posted: 16th Apr 2019

Written by: Nautilus International

Nautilus International contributed to a top-level meeting last month to develop a ‘roadmap’ for improving seafarer recruitment and retention practices across the global shipping industry. Read More

The Crew Coach: Why Great Listeners Make Great Leaders

Posted: 28th Mar 2019

Written by: Karine Rayson

Do we truly know what it is to listen? Great leaders are great listeners and The Crew Coach, Karine Rayson, explains why. Whether you are in a leadership role or not, if you find yourself doing more talking than listening this art... Read More

Warsash: Training the Future Leaders of the Maritime Industry

Posted: 28th Mar 2019

Written by: Lars Lippuner

When it opens its doors in June 2019, the new ship and port simulation centre at Warsash School of Maritime Science and Engineering will be the largest and most sophisticated maritime simulation centre in the UK. Read More

Why Crew Welfare Should be at the Heart of Yachting

Posted: 28th Feb 2019

Written by: Karen Passman

In December last year, an ISWAN report found 82% of the 402 crew surveyed cited low morale, 75% work over their contracted hours, while 80% of females and 54% of males reported episodes of stress. Read More

Annual Insurance Review: MSCB Has Your Back

Posted: 26th Feb 2019

Written by: Michael Weare

Another year, another insurance review. It doesn’t sound too exciting does it, but there is no doubt, as a busy yacht crew professional it’s vital to get your insurance needs in order before another hectic year of sailing gets und... Read More

Planned Maintenance: Bold Predictions for 2019

Posted: 24th Feb 2019

Written by: Sam Wheaton - Seahub

Sam Wheaton, commercial director of Seahub reviews how the market for planned maintenance systems shaped up in 2018 with some bold predictions for the year ahead. Shipyards are pushing design and construction to new limits while ... Read More

Girls Going Green on Yachts

Posted: 19th Feb 2019

Written by: Sam Watson

The issue has always been translating the superyacht industry's love of the ocean into action to protect it, so we were delighted when Chief Stew Jane Brécheteau got in touch to tell us how the crew on MY Irisha have radically red... Read More

LUXE Experts: Master Carpet Cleaner Richard Perkins

Posted: 2nd Jan 2019

Written by: OnboardOnline

Carpets. They're everywhere you look, but often unnoticed until sensed by your feet, sinking into a plush pile, or until wine is spilled, leaving a stain that stubbornly draws the eye. We speak to Richard Perkins, a carpet special... Read More

ISWAN Delivers Report on The Welfare of Superyacht Crew

Posted: 10th Dec 2018

Written by: Tom Holmer

The findings of new research into the welfare needs of superyacht crew were presented last week at a seminar held at Inmarsat’s headquarters in London, highlighting key areas for improvement with a number of recommendations. Read More

7 Reasons for Crew to Have Personal Medical Insurance

Posted: 10th Dec 2018

Written by: Melanie Langley

While superyacht crew are exceptionally good at giving first class service to their guests, they’re also notoriously bad at looking after themselves when it comes to the vital area of medical insurance. But to ensure a long and he... Read More

Crew Build a Yacht – Project Assemble

Posted: 4th Dec 2018

Written by: Sam Wheaton

Working within the yachting industry is unique in every sense of the word. In particular, it’s common for superyacht crew to move between vessels as they advance through the ranks or seek pastures green. Being exposed to a wide ra... Read More

The Key to Cristal

Posted: 13th Nov 2018

Written by: Louise Sydbeck

If you work in the yachting industry you probably already know that Cristal is one of the most exclusive champagnes you can find, but here are some interesting facts so you can impress your charter guests when the opportunity aris... Read More

Super Tuscans for Superyachts

Posted: 12th Nov 2018

Written by: Louise Sydbeck

Sassicaia, Ornellaia, Tignanello, Masseto - all big wine names in yachting but what are they? All harking from Italy, full-bodied and densely structured, these big hitters belong to a breed called Super Tuscans. In the early 1980s... Read More

The Art of Wine Tasting

Posted: 10th Nov 2018

Written by: Louise Sydbeck

To the average wine consumer, the quirks of professional wine tasting may seem unnecessary, if not downright silly. Assessing legs, shade and rim, aroma, structure, length, sniffing and spitting can seem frivolous. However, a litt... Read More

Is the Criminalisation of Shipmasters an Occupational Hazard?

Posted: 8th Nov 2018

Written by: Nautilus Int. - Andrew Linington

It has become so common for shipmasters to be arrested as criminals following an incident that this is starting to deter seafarers from rising through the ranks. Andrew Linington reports from a Nautilus industry symposium set up t... Read More

Managing the Paperwork in the Event of an Accident Onboard

Posted: 7th Nov 2018

Written by: Dave Clarke

What do you tell the judge when it all goes pear-shaped? In the unfortunate event that an accident happens onboard your yacht, as captain or head of department you'll have to demonstrate a good safety culture and responsible recor... Read More


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