Crew Life

Yacht Crew Recruitment: How to Spot Flakers and Fakers

Posted: 7th May 2014

Written by: Alison Rentoul

As the first guest trips and charters draw closer, don’t be tempted to rush your recruitment process – making a poor hiring decision could cost you dearly as the season goes on! Read More

Girls on Deck: One of the Boys

Posted: 30th Apr 2014

Written by: Lisa Dijkshoorn

Stewardesses often tell me they would love to work on deck.In some girls I definitely see the potential, in others not so much. I think they see my tan, and how much fun it appears to be, but it hasn't always been that easy. Read More

Five Things We Can All Learn from New Superyacht Crew

Posted: 30th Apr 2014

Written by: Alison Rentoul

Those of us who've been in yachting for a while can often feel a bit sorry for some of the new crew arriving... but perhaps there are a few things we can learn from them too. Read More

Ilija Dimitrijevic, Captain of M/Y Ocean Paradise

Posted: 24th Apr 2014

Written by: Karen Hockney

Captain Ilija Dimitrijevic used to have what many people would consider the dream job…running two diving schools in the beautiful waters of Croatia and Montenegro. Read More

Captain Stephane Benfield, S/Y Altair

Posted: 23rd Apr 2014

Written by: Karen Hockney

Named after one of the galaxy’s brightest stars, Altair has long been considered the benchmark in restored pre-war classic sailing yachts. Read More

The Crew Coach Relaunches Free Talks for New Crew

Posted: 22nd Apr 2014

Written by: Alison Rentoul

Announcing the return of The Crew Coach's weekly free talks for new crew in Antibes. The talks will take place from the 25 March to the 13th May* at 5pm at The Hopstore. Read More

Crew Recruitment: Why you Should Hire Character and Train Skill

Posted: 22nd Apr 2014

Written by: Alison Rentoul

No amount of skill and knowledge can compensate for rudeness, arrogance or laziness. Like it or lump it, the people who get far in yachting are those with a positive attitude. Read More

The Antibes vs Palma Revelation

Posted: 18th Apr 2014

Written by: Ed Thomas

Before accepting my current job in Antibes, I have to admit that I was fairly anti the place. I had a prejudice against it; my allegiance was to Palma, a city that I loved. Read More

Five Great Transferable Skills for New Stews

Posted: 16th Apr 2014

Written by: Alison Rentoul

So you’re starting out as a junior stew. You’re young and enthusiastic… but your CV is looking a little unexciting. Here are five ideas for transferable skills you might already have up your sleeve. Read More

The Implications of the MLC 2006 in a Legal SEA

Posted: 9th Apr 2014

Written by: Sarah Laty, Camper & Nicholsons

You saved up and sweated through the STCW 95. You booked your flight to Antibes, finally got a spot in a good crew house. You waded through countless agency registrations and met a few good crew agents. Read More

Bad Bunkering in the Pacific

Posted: 8th Apr 2014

Written by: Mel Thunderbolt

While diving for treasure on a boat in the South Pacific, the first sign of trouble for engineer Mel Thunderbolt was when she first heard the engine rev a little too high. Read More

Ten Things I Didn't Know: Dockwalking is Fun!

Posted: 28th Mar 2014

Written by: Nikki Ridley

I thought I knew a lot about yachting when I made the decision to join the hordes in Antibes. I suspected dockwalking was a thing to be feared and that I was immune to seasickness. Read More

Captain Alex Tilleray, SY Manitou

Posted: 28th Mar 2014

Written by: Karen Hockney

My first sighting of the legendary Manitou is inauspicious given her unique history. It’s a breezy February afternoon and the 62 ft performance yacht is moored at the old port in Cannes. Read More

Top 10 Yachting CV Mistakes

Posted: 26th Mar 2014

Written by: Alison Rentoul

I’m being inundated with yachting CV enquiries at the moment so I thought it might help if I put together a list for you of the top 10 mistakes I see in CVs and how to avoid them. Read More

Stew Tips: The Dreaded Orchids

Posted: 24th Mar 2014

Written by: Isobel Odendaal

Most stews have had to look after those dreaded Phalaenopsis orchids. This month’s column is dedicated to tips for keeping them alive for longer than the guests’ arrival day. Read More

Deck Tips: Teak Nemeses

Posted: 21st Mar 2014

Written by: George Evans

When you first begin yachting, it seems everything is novel and no job is too much of a chore. However, after a couple of seasons certain things can induce sudden rage. Read More

10 Things I Didn't Know: Yacht Dogs Drink Evian

Posted: 20th Mar 2014

Written by: Nikki Morgan

It would probably be easier to ask me 10 things that I DID know about yachting when I arrived in Antibes in the summer of 2001. Read More

Yacht Crew: Are You Going to Step Up This Season?

Posted: 13th Mar 2014

Written by: Alison Rentoul

The weather is finally warming up here on the Cote d’Azur and as Spring springs into action it seems people consider this the perfect time to spring-clean their career as well. Read More

Ten Things I Didn't Know: Yacht Origami

Posted: 7th Mar 2014

Written by: Lauren Williams

To kick off the new '10 Things' series from OnboardOnline, Lauren Williams tells us 10 things she didn't know before joining yachting, starting with the wonder that is toilet paper origami. Read More

The Crew Coach: Finding Your Flow at Work

Posted: 3rd Mar 2014

Written by: Alison Rentoul

Many people, (myself included), spend their early adult years bimbling through life having a good time without putting too much thought into where their choices are taking them. Read More

The Crew Coach: Tough Ways to Tackle Procrastination

Posted: 3rd Mar 2014

Written by: Alison Rentoul

Continuing our series on procrastination this week, I’m addressing two root causes that not only result in procrastination but which can negatively impact our productivity in all sorts of ways. Read More

Superyacht Chef Simon Furey

Posted: 28th Feb 2014

Written by: Karen Hockney

Sitting in a careers class in Coventry 25 years ago, little did Simon Furey realise that one day, he would make his name cooking on one of the most sumptuous private yachts. Read More

HELM: Steering Crew in a Different Direction?

Posted: 25th Feb 2014

Written by: Elliot Shane

Many yacht crew view the new OOW HELM course as just another money-making opportunity for trainers. Deckhand Elliot Shane argues that there's more to it than that. Read More

The Crew Coach: How to Shake off Procrastination Once and for All

Posted: 24th Feb 2014

Written by: Alison Rentoul

In the final article in my series on procrastination I’m going to tackle two of the biggest root causes that could be holding you back from getting things done. Read More

The Crew Factor: Are You Cut Out to Sail?

Posted: 21st Feb 2014

Written by: Sandwich

Sailing is long stretches of boredom punctuated by episodes of sheer heart pounding terror. If this still sounds romantic to you, then crewing is a good way to test your resolve. Read More

Introducing the Stew Tips Column

Posted: 21st Feb 2014

Written by: OnboardOnline with Isobel Odendaal

Steward/esses, as a group, have a huge amount of knowledge when it comes to solving problems on board, but are often unable to take advantage of each other’s experience. Read More

Q&A: Nicky Andre of Hemisphere Crew Solutions

Posted: 21st Feb 2014

Written by: OnboardOnline

Nicky Andre from Hemisphere Crew Solutions talks about joining the industry, meeting Richard Branson, and the challenge in creating a bespoke crew headhunting agency in the superyacht industry. Read More

The Crew Coach: Two More Solutions to Prevent Procrastination

Posted: 12th Feb 2014

Written by: Alison Rentoul

While perfectionism can really help when it comes to detailing yachts, being a perfectionist can also be a massive hindrance to starting longer term projects. Read More

Yacht Crew: Can Couples Get Jobs on Superyachts?

Posted: 10th Feb 2014

Written by: Nicky André, Hemisphere Crew Solutions

Many jobseekers looking to join the industry ask: ‘Can couples get jobs on superyachts?’
The answer is yes, but often a different approach is required.
Read More

Fishy Business

Posted: 4th Feb 2014

Written by: Annie Fischer

Did you know that Mahi-Mahi mate for life? That Orange Roughy live up to 100 years? For a yacht chef, knowing where to buy sustainably-sourced seafood can be a fishy business. Read More


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