Crew Life

Cabin Fever

Posted: 2nd Feb 2014

Written by: Jo Morgan

If someone had asked my teenage self where I expected to be living in my 30’s, it’s unlikely I would have said I was aiming for a bunk-bed situation. Read More

The Eight Key Reasons why we Procrastinate

Posted: 29th Jan 2014

Written by: Alison Rentoul

There are 8 key reasons why we procrastinate – in other words, eight different types of delicious banana the Instant Gratification Monkey* loves to feast on. Read More

Bluewater and Diamond Diving join forces to offer diving in the Med

Posted: 22nd Jan 2014

Written by: Bluewater Yachting

The bluewater training team is delighted to announce that we are now able to offer 3 levels of PADI courses in partnership with Diamond Diving. Courses will begin in March 2014 and will take place at Diamond Diving’s PADI 5* IDC... Read More

The Crew Coach: How to Stop Stressing about Procrastination

Posted: 22nd Jan 2014

Written by: Alison Rentoul

We tend to beat ourselves up with the thought that we really SHOULD be doing the task – but while all this ‘should-ing’ is highly effective in making us feel miserable, it unfortunately is highly ineffective in making us take acti... Read More

Q&A: Stewardess Elise Ciappara

Posted: 20th Jan 2014

Written by: Elise Cappiara

Elise Ciappara joined yachting after a diverse career in finance and wedding planning. Now second stew on M/Y Titania, she tells OnboardOnline about the virtues of taking a risk to find a career you love. Read More

Powerful Interview Tricks to Predict Future Performance

Posted: 20th Jan 2014

Written by: Sylwia Weresniak

The best and most reliable way to predict how someone will act and react in a certain future situation, is by finding out how they have reacted to similar situation in the past. Read More

The Crew Coach: What to do if you are Procrastinating

Posted: 19th Jan 2014

Written by: Alison Rentoul

It was with a wide grin of recognition that I read an article recently posted on Facebook called “Why Procrastinators Procrastinate”, in which the writer beautifully and simply describes exactly what is going on in our minds when ... Read More

Ships and Crew Rot in Port: The argument to go to sea

Posted: 15th Jan 2014

Written by: Ted Street

While much has been written about the need for adequate rest for crew, little has been written about what happens when boats and crew get the opposite: too much down-time. Read More

Two Ways to Cross the Atlantic

Posted: 14th Jan 2014

Written by: William Garnier

Author and skipper William Garner shares two dramatically different journeys across the Atlantic- the solitude and discomfort of a solo crossing versus the luxury and camaraderie of a charter yacht. Read More

Why Does Your Crew Agent Need to be MLC-Compliant?

Posted: 8th Jan 2014

Written by: Sarah Laty, Camper & Nicholsons Crew Division

What exactly does it mean for a crew agency to be MLC compliant? Sarah Laty from Camper & Nicholsons tells us how the MLC has changed your job-hunting experience. Read More

Why New Year's Resolutions Should Come Down to One Word

Posted: 7th Jan 2014

Written by: Alison Rentoul

Often our long list of New Year's resolutions quickly becomes something to feel guilty about. Instead, this year I'm choosing to boil my intentions down to a single word. What's yours? Read More

Disaster: Fire on a Weekend Watch

Posted: 6th Jan 2014

Written by: Mel Thunderbolt

In light of the recent yacht fires in Genoa, engineer Mel Thunderbolt shares her own lucky escape from a serious engine room fire and the lessons learnt from the experience. Read More

Big Boats, Small Spaces

Posted: 3rd Jan 2014

Written by: Jelly

It’s safe to assume that you are reading this because you like boats. Maybe you like the atmosphere aboard them and that feeling of being an important part of the crew; or perhaps you enjoy the engineering side; possibly even the ... Read More

Baby On Board: The Benbrooks

Posted: 3rd Jan 2014

Written by: Daniel Shea

Carol Benbrook has spent much of her career redefining roles and expectations. As well as beng a female captain, she has broken convention by raising her children on board. Read More

5 Questions When Hiring a Yacht Electro-Technical Officer (ETO)

Posted: 31st Dec 2013

Written by: Great Circle Systems

Yachting technology specialist Great Circle Systems shares the first of its 5 most popular blogs of 2013. Read More

Vegan Recipe from Tami Ayers

Posted: 27th Dec 2013

Written by: OnboardOnline

Vegan charter coming up? Want to introduce more vegetarian meals into your cheffing repetoire? Chef Tami Ayers from S/Y Marie kindly shares the recipe that won her third place in the fiercely contested Concours de Chef at the rec... Read More

Anders Pedersen

Posted: 27th Dec 2013

Written by: OnboardOnline

Chef Anders Pedersen from M/Y Altitude talks to OnboardOnline about his competition win in Antigua, and his belief that yacht chefs need to share their knowledge more. Read More

Interior Yacht Services Launches Luxury Hospitality Training Program

Posted: 20th Dec 2013

Written by: Interior Yacht Services

Interior Yacht Services, training partner of Warsash Superyacht Academy, announces its Luxury Hospitality Training Program; professional training for the interior crewmember. Read More

Crew Meals: Caramel five spice meatballs

Posted: 19th Dec 2013

Written by: Ivy Dai

Because almost all yacht chefs run out of ideas sometimes, (especially when cooking for crew), OnboardOnline has decided to start an online recipe library.To kick off the series, chef Ivy Dai has kindly given us her recipe for Car... Read More

The Crew Coach: Are You a Workaholic or Just Super-Motivated?

Posted: 2nd Dec 2013

Written by: Alison Rentoul

These days, being labelled a ‘workaholic’ seems almost to be a badge of honour – especially on board some yachts. But like any addiction, there is a downside to the buzz which could actually be costing you more than you think. Read More

Crew Meals: Feeding Body and Mind

Posted: 29th Nov 2013

Written by: Ivy Dai

As a chef, sometimes you think your crew is spoiled and should be happy with what's on the table. But take their criticisms and turn it around! One of the joys (and headaches) of crew cooking is giving them what they need. Read More

Bridging Communications

Posted: 25th Nov 2013

Written by: Simon Harvey

Today's superyachts come equipped with every modern piece of equipment to navigate the globe, however, one ingredient that needs constant upgrading is human command. Read More

Google yourself: How to Control your Public Profile

Posted: 20th Nov 2013

Written by: Alison Rentoul

Before you go to an interview, Google yourself. Your potential employers will. Alison Rentoul explains the importance of this pre-interview step, and what to do if the results don't look good. Read More

How to get your new ISPS certificates without doing a course

Posted: 19th Nov 2013

Written by: Lars Lippuner

Everyone has heard about the STCW 2010 Manila Amendments, but many crew may not be aware that STCW 2010 also brings changes to the ISPS training requirements. Read More

Where Does All the Food Go?

Posted: 18th Nov 2013

Written by: Ivy Dai

Every time I prepare for a charter, I wonder if I’ve bought too much food. Space is always a premium on yachts, but you need to have everything a guest might ask for. Read More

Important Changes to the Yacht Deck Training Scheme 2013

Posted: 10th Nov 2013

Written by: Warsash Superyacht Academy

The new MIN 471 (M) issued by the MCA on Friday 8 November announces changes to the yacht deck training scheme. OOW will now have to do EDH, Chief Mate to do ECDIS and Master Yachts to do Celestial Navigation. Read More

Manage Expectations…but plan for the worst

Posted: 7th Nov 2013

Written by: Croque Madame

Whether guest, captain or crew, everybody has expectations of the chef. Croque Madame discusses how to manage those expectations, the frustration of fad diets, and how mise en place can save the day. Read More

Didn't get the job? How to bounce back from rejection

Posted: 7th Nov 2013

Written by: Alison Rentoul

Getting a dreaded ‘no’ in response to a job you really wanted can put a real ding in your confidence. It’s easy to let the rejection get to you, making you beat yourself up or feel like a failure, but being knocked back isn’t real... Read More

Q&A: Joss Willner

Posted: 7th Nov 2013

Written by: OnboardOnline

Joss Willner, Captain of M/Y Baton Rouge, has come a long way since arriving in the South of France in 1983 after a teenage stint in the Merchant Navy. He's a pragmatist, described by friends as 'old school' and a safe pair of han... Read More

What Floats Your Boat?

Posted: 30th Oct 2013

Written by: Paula Herbert

Some people are sailing yacht people, others are motor yacht people, but rarely is someone both. In fact a (mostly) friendly rivalry runs through the water between these two worlds. Each has perceptions about the other; perception... Read More


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