Crew Life

What to do if you Don't Hear Back After a Crew Interview

Posted: 30th Oct 2013

Written by: Alison Rentoul

Interview etiquette is tricky enough, but getting your follow up right can be even trickier. How and how often should you contact them? The key is to strike the right balance, and most importantly, to try not to lose control of th... Read More

Yacht Crew: When to stop Job Hunting in the Med

Posted: 23rd Oct 2013

Written by: Alison Rentoul

The crew houses on the French Riviera are still heaving with hopefuls, all competing for the same few jobs at the end of the Mediterranean summer. Some have a season or two under their belt and many are completely new to yachting.... Read More

Yacht Crew Tips: Following up on Job Interviews

Posted: 18th Oct 2013

Written by: Alison Rentoul

I often get asked this question: how soon and how often after a job interview should you follow up? It’s a good question, because it can be tricky to navigate this part of the hiring process and you’re pretty much walking a very p... Read More

Planned Maintenance Schedules - Computer or paper?

Posted: 17th Oct 2013

Written by: Mike Wilson

Are computer-based programs the way forward, or is the old fashioned way of paper logs and the ‘Chief’s way of doing things’ still the better option? Read More

Five Great Questions to ask at the End of a Job Interview

Posted: 11th Oct 2013

Written by: Alison Rentoul

You know the moment – that awkward silence when your interviewer asks: “So, do you have any questions?”– and you can’t think of a thing to say! Well don’t be thrown by it anymore – with a bit of preparation you can turn this to yo... Read More

Croque Madame Gives a Toasting

Posted: 9th Oct 2013

Written by: Croque Madame

Reporting from the dark side: The trials and tribulations of Croque Madame and five things no one tells you about life as a superyacht chef. Read More

How to Make a Great First Impression at a Job Interview

Posted: 30th Sep 2013

Written by: Alison Rentoul

You never get a second chance to make a first impression. However, while many of us are aware of the importance of making a ‘good impression’, few people stop and think about exactly what a ‘good impression’ means – either to them... Read More

The 5 Ps: How to Preparing for an Important Job Interview

Posted: 30th Sep 2013

Written by: Alison Rentoul

What are the 5 Ps? Perfect preparation prevents poor performance! The only time it is ever acceptable not to prepare properly for a job interview is when you don’t really care whether you get the job or not... Read More

Mat Barker & The Blue Peter

Posted: 30th Sep 2013

Written by: Daniel Shea

Of all the crashes that Mat Barker saw in his past life as a derivatives trader, nothing prepared him for the day The Blue Peter snapped her mast. Read More

Stewardesses: Keep Calm and Drink Tea

Posted: 25th Sep 2013

Written by: Mrs Steele

Chief stewardesses often get a bad wrap for nagging and over-reactions to trivialities. But, as Mrs Steele argues, sometimes you just have to stand your ground. Read More

Sea Time: A Small Remark With Big Consequences

Posted: 25th Sep 2013

Written by: Lars Lippuner, Warsash Superyacht Academy

At the Monaco Yacht Show 2011 the MCA announced that they had removed the 'glass-ceiling’ and would now accept sea time gained on yachts towards unlimited certification. What at the time might have seemed just a rather insignifica... Read More

Top Tips- Bed Linens

Posted: 24th Sep 2013

Written by: The Cabin Shop

Charter guests and owners will use, touch and sleep in the linens on board. They will notice and appreciate luxurious softness, but will also remark on scratchy towels or bed linen. The interior of the cabins need to make a great ... Read More

The World is Never Enough

Posted: 23rd Sep 2013

Written by: Mel Thunderbolt

Mission impossible. On pain of dismissal, engineer Mel Thunderbolt must fly to MTU headquarters in Germany and carry a 37kg turbocharger back to Sardinia...all in 24 hours. Read More

Warsash Superyacht Academy Launches Mobile Learning App

Posted: 23rd Sep 2013

Written by: Warsash Superyacht Academy

Warsash Superyacht Academy announces the launch of its new mobile learning platform dedicated to supporting the training of superyacht crew. Read More

Q&A: Jenny Howarth, Director IYC Crew

Posted: 16th Sep 2013

Written by: OnboardOnline

OnboardOnline recently caught up with Jenny Howarth to talk about the milk run summers, the joy of turtles, and what it's like to finally unpack your bags. Read More

The End of Uniformity

Posted: 12th Sep 2013

Written by: Paula Herbert

10 years ago, choice in yacht uniforms was limited. The fit mattered, but not how uniforms matched the yacht or the personality of the crew. Fortunately, as the industry evolves, suppliers are pushing the boundaries, with fashion... Read More

Five Things You Should Know About Job Hunting at Boat Shows

Posted: 11th Sep 2013

Written by: Alison Rentoul

September is upon us and the two biggest autumn boat shows in the Med are about to unfold, with Cannes this week and Monaco at the end of the month. If you’re looking for work, it’s tempting to think a boat show is the place to be... Read More

Why Crew Need Better Tender Training

Posted: 9th Sep 2013

Written by: John Wyborn- Bluewater Yachting

Over the last ten years, I have heard an extraordinary number of times that the most frightening experience for crew was when they joined their first yacht and were expected to drive the tender. Read More

Gin Cocktails for Connoisseurs

Posted: 6th Sep 2013

Written by: Andy Ives, Bar Life UK

Tired of serving the same old cocktails? Ever thought of garnishing a cocktail with a sprig of lavender and a macaron? Do sherbet, olive oil and pink peppercorns feature in your cocktail repertoire? In the first of his series fo... Read More

Reasons for Leaving a Job that Won't Raise Red Flags

Posted: 6th Sep 2013

Written by: Alison Rentoul

While almost everyone has had some kind of employment disaster where things didn’t work out, we then have the problem of answering awkward questions about it from potential new employers or crew agents. Read More

Here's Why the Superyacht Industry Isn't for Everyone

Posted: 6th Sep 2013

Written by: Victoria Bourhill

When I first joined the ‘glamorous’ world that is the yachting industry, I would hear from people here and there that ‘this isn’t for everybody’. If you can identify with the majority of the following points then perhaps seeing th... Read More

Keeping Your Eye on the Ball at the End of the Yachting Season

Posted: 28th Aug 2013

Written by: Alison Rentoul

It's the end of the season, you and your team have been working your behinds off all summer, and not only is everyone tired and crotchety, but you can almost taste the delicious freedom that is just around the corner. But, be warn... Read More

Q&A: Mel Thunderbolt

Posted: 14th Aug 2013

Written by: OnboardOnline

Engineer Mel Thunderbolt loves boats. Sailing them, working on them and fixing them (although she could happily do without the shore power cable system.) Join her as she describes her sheer love of yachting, a lucky escape from an... Read More

Charter for Charity?

Posted: 13th Aug 2013

Written by: Dave the Deckie

Charity for charter, or charter for charity? It may be totally legal but, on some level, it doesn't feel quite right to me. Call me old fashioned.. Read More

EQ vs IQ: Which is More Important?

Posted: 12th Aug 2013

Written by: Alison Rentoul

A person's IQ (or intelligence quotient) has widely been considered the most reliable indicator of their potential to succeed in life. However, if you think about the people you have worked with over the years, my bet is there’s s... Read More

Three Effective Stress-busters for When it all Gets too Much

Posted: 6th Aug 2013

Written by: Alison Rentoul

Once stress gets its big fat foot in the door of your psyche it has a nasty habit of barging right in, making for the sofa and taking up unwelcome residence in the living room of your mind. Read More

The Crew Coach: Pressure vs Performance

Posted: 31st Jul 2013

Written by: Alison Rentoul

We are unconsciously drawn to the need to add pressure in our lives, yet sometimes the pressure turns into unproductive stress. The trick is to maintain enough pressure to produce the magic, without allowing it to tip us over the ... Read More

Astroboy and the Mystery of the Odd Sock

Posted: 29th Jul 2013

Written by: Jo Morgan

Odd socks, whingeing crew and mugs left in the's clearly time for a mid-season hissy fit.Jo Morgan on what drives us batty when life in the crew mess gets messy. Read More

Yacht Crew: How Well do You Know Your Cabin Mate?

Posted: 23rd Jul 2013

Written by: Jenny Howarth

You work all day together, you socialize together, and you may even share a cabin. But how much do you really know about the people you work with? Recent revelations about a convicted paedophile working as a superyacht captain hav... Read More

Q&A: Alison Rentoul, Founder of The Crew Coach

Posted: 12th Jul 2013

Written by: OnboardOnline

Alison Rentoul is known to many as The Crew Coach. However, she took a few knocks herself before deciding to dedicate her career to helping others avoid many of the same pitfalls and guide them up the ladder. Read More


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