Crew Life

Powering the Rise of Strong Leaders

Posted: 18th Oct 2021

Written by: Karen Hockney

The ability to encourage and aid strong leadership in crew regardless of their starting position on the yacht is vital to improving crew communication, cohesiveness, team efficiency and ultimately, the guest experience on board. Read More

Battling Mental Health On Board with Seas The Mind

Posted: 4th Oct 2021

Written by: Naomi Chadderton

As a crew member for more than 15 years, Emma Ross has been through her fair share of ups and downs. Long periods of time spent away from family, minimal privacy, breakdowns, drug addiction, deaths and suicide, Emma has seen it all. That’s where Seas the Mind comes in. Read More

Ella Te Aho on the Thrills and Spills of Being a Female Bosun

Posted: 10th Sep 2021

Written by: Naomi Chadderton

A chance meeting with friends in a bar when she left school at 18 paved the way for Ella Te Aho’s career in yachting, and ever since she left Australia for Antibes for her first season temping and day working, she hasn’t looked back. Read More

How Sport Prepared Bosun Stuart Richmond for a Career on Superyachts

Posted: 26th Aug 2021

Written by: Richard Hagan

If we were to throw a bunch of personality traits and interests into a big ol’ magician’s top hat and draw a few out at random, chances are we couldn’t build a profile as diverse as that of superyacht bosun Stuart Richmond. Read More

Deck/Stewardess Amelia Hudson on Starting out in the Yachting Industry

Posted: 16th Aug 2021

Written by: Naomi Chadderton

Travelling during her school holidays, weekends on the family boat and precious time spent wakeboarding with her brother are just three of the childhood experiences that planted the seed that Amelia Hudson’s dream future career may just lie in yachting. Read More

Keeping Your Crew Motivated During the Season

Posted: 16th Aug 2021

Written by: Karen Hockney

As we approach the end of the European charter season, keeping crew motivated, interested and on their best game is of vital importance, it’s this time of year when crew can feel stretched or fatigued. Read More

When is the Best Time to Train Your Crew?

Posted: 14th Aug 2021

Written by: Karen Hockney

With the high season now upon us, yacht crews are at their peak in their efforts to provide the ultimate guest experience and the vital role of training is in full evidence. Read More

What is Most Important to Crew Candidates Now?

Posted: 26th Jul 2021

Written by: Luke Randall

Had we had been asked this question a few years back, the answer would have been quite straight forward – the number one priority for most candidates when job searching on yachts or ashore would have often been salary. Read More

Yachts, Planes and Automobiles with Captain Nicholas Doyle

Posted: 13th Jul 2021

Written by: Richard Hagan

Captain Nicholas Doyle is a man of many talents. When he’s not behind the wheel of a luxury superyacht, he’s rebuilding classic sports cars or flying aeroplanes and helicopters. Here Nick gives an insight into the journey so far and shares his views on some hot industry topics. Read More

The Devil is in the Detail: Hartnack & Co.

Posted: 8th Jul 2021

Written by: Gemma Fottles

It’s no secret that quality and bespoke design are integral to the superyacht industry, and one company that prides itself on every detail of its trade is Hartnack & Co., a family-run business specialising in hand-crafted guest books, menus, portfolios and presentation boxes. Read More

Talking Flowers On Board with Superyacht Stewardess Sarah McNally

Posted: 10th Jun 2021

Written by: Sam Watson

After working in hospitality, Sarah McNally's leap into the role of stewardess was a natural fit. But it's also allowed her to find her creative side and she's now an accomplished florist. Here, she discusses the latest trends in superyacht flowers and her long term ambitions. Read More

Getting Personal: Inside LH's New Dynamics Questionnaire

Posted: 4th Jun 2021

Written by: Karen Hockney

Discovering your talents and being able to optimise them to create more motivation, stronger bonds and greater communication skills sounds like an obvious recipe for success in the workplace. Read More

Business Lessons from Trans-Ocean Crossings

Posted: 1st Jun 2021

Written by: Lance Mortlock & Tristan Mortlock

Trans-ocean crossings are serious business. They can be carefully prepared and a great experience, but they can also be an encounter that hits you broadside with no prior warning, leaving you scrambling for what to do next. Read More

Inside the Engine Room with Marine Engineer Mustafa Kara

Posted: 17th May 2021

Written by: Sam Watson

Marine Engineer Mustafa Kara describes himself as a citizen of the world with a voracious appetite for life and learning. Over Zoom we discuss his early years in Bodrum, how the commercial sector compares to yachting, and pays tribute to those who helped him along the way. Read More

Powering the Rise of Female Captains

Posted: 6th May 2021

Written by: Karen Hockney

Gender imbalance has long been a hot potato in yachting but it’s still surprising to discover that only 2% of superyacht captains are women. We spoke to three who have made it to the top to find out what it takes and what needs to change.
Read More

Ask The Recruiter: Will The Future of Dockwalking Change?

Posted: 30th Apr 2021

Written by: Nicola Morgan

In any normal year, new crew would head to South of France or Palma in order to pick up day work and meet captains face-to-face. However in the time of Covid, what’s been going on and what’s in store for the future of dockwalking? Read More

Preparing Your Crew for the Charter Season

Posted: 30th Apr 2021

Written by: Karen Hockney

Teambuilding is a major consideration at any time of the year but particularly just ahead of the start of the yachting season when the onus is on getting every aspect of crew relations in harmony. Read More

Flowers with Longevity – Blooms for Long Guest Trips

Posted: 26th Apr 2021

Written by: Isobel Odendaal

While colour and variety are of course important factors to take into consideration when perfecting the ideal flower arrangement on board, it’s also essential to consider how long your flowers will last. Read More

Josh Nicholson on the Secrets to Becoming a Successful Bosun

Posted: 26th Apr 2021

Written by: Sam Watson

Working rotation on a 100m+ charter yacht, Josh Nicholson is an experienced bosun with his feet firmly on the ground. Currently based in Palma, we discussed the impact of the pandemic, the mood on the dock and the secret to a successful career in yachting. Read More

A Complete Guide to Caring for Flowers on Board Superyachts

Posted: 26th Apr 2021

Written by: Isobel Odendaal

While flowers play such huge part when it comes to creating the ambiance of a superyacht, with so much information to navigate, arranging the perfect display can be a challenge. Here we’ll discuss some expert ways to arrange and care for flowers and more. Read More

Cyber Security: AV/IT Advisory

Posted: 14th Apr 2021

Written by: Captain Rod Hatch

Whoever has responsibility for a yacht’s AV/IT systems has two tasks. The first is to maintain the functioning of all units associated with entertainment and with communications/connectivity. The second is to detect and prevent malicious interference with such functioning.
Read More

Blockchain - Coming Soon to a Certificate Near You?

Posted: 14th Apr 2021

Written by: Captain Stephen Thomas

Nearly five years ago, the IMO issued guidelines to all its member states aimed at introducing electronic certificates to the maritime industry. The aim was to reduce the administrative burdens caused by reliance on traditional paper certificates. Read More

GUEST: A Charter Broker’s Perspective

Posted: 14th Apr 2021

Written by: Fiona Maureso

Northrop & Johnson France’s senior charter broker Fiona Maureso is a well-known figure in the yachting industry so we asked her to share her insight on the guest experience and her view on the value of GUEST training for interior crew. Read More

Managing Mental Health On Board with Purser Samantha Morris

Posted: 6th Apr 2021

Written by: Sam Watson

As finance manager on board a cruise ship, superyachts first caught the eye of Samantha Morris when she was moored alongside in St Martin. Now a purser on a 130m+ vessel, she's paying it forward to younger crew coming up the ranks. Read More

Luxury Hospitality Gives Power to ACREW+

Posted: 19th Mar 2021

Written by: Karen Hockney

Poor crew retention and how to solve it has been a serious talking point for a while, not least here at OnboardOnline as we look at potential pathways to remedying this enduring and costly issue. Read More

In the Galley with Superyacht Chef Caroline Morgan

Posted: 19th Mar 2021

Written by: Sam Watson

When it comes to the culinary world, like so many others, it's notoriously been a man's one for many years. Thankfully the tables are turning and, making waves as a young, talented chef in the superyacht industry, Caroline Morgan is certainly one to watch. Read More

Ship's Cook Certificate: About Time, or Waste of Time?

Posted: 5th Mar 2021

Written by: OnboardOnline

Seven years on, we have a clearer idea of the requirements for the Ship's Cook Certificate for yacht chefs, but there is still some confusion. With the help of OceanWave Monaco, we clarify what's involved and do away with some of the myths. Read More

Yacht Crew Recruitment - How Can I Prepare for an Interview?

Posted: 3rd Mar 2021

Written by: India Thomson Virtue

From what the captain is looking for to what to ask during your meeting, wilsonhalligan puts together a list of the most asked questions relating to job interviews alongside the correct answers to help crew prepare. Read More

Ensuring Superyacht Quality from Farm to Table

Posted: 9th Feb 2021

Written by: Gemma Fottles

The superyacht industry proudly boasts seven stars standards for guests in all aspects of the onboard experience, but when it comes to the suppliers to the yachts themselves, do chefs have the same peace of mind? Read More

Crew Placement - Should You be Exclusive to One Agent?

Posted: 5th Feb 2021

Written by: Freddie Jones

In the world of Hollywood, actors have agents just as superyacht crew have crew placement agents.The difference is that yacht crew are rarely, if ever, exclusive to one agent, but could this work in our industry too? Read More


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